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About the Barn

A Little History Lesson...

Zekiah Ridge Farm, where Bliss in the Barn is situated, is located on historic Charles Street in La Plata, MD. The property has been in the Thomas family for over half a century. Originally operated as a tobacco farm, the family grew the crop for decades on their 120-acre parcel.


Back in the day, tobacco was “cured” in large, high walled barns designed to allow air to flow through them. The tobacco grown at Zekiah Ridge Farm was cured in barns built in the 1930’s using the same designs perfected by early Southern Maryland tobacco farmers in the seventeenth century.


Tobacco in Southern Maryland is still grown and harvested today, largely using the same methods those Colonial Era farmers used. This crop, and the industry surrounding it, shaped the Southern Maryland economy and created a unique culture not found anywhere else.


Today, Zekiah Ridge Farm produces several crops, from corn and soy, to wheat and sorghum. In addition, we love the flowers we grow for our cut flower business.

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